by admin | Aug 31, 2019 | Uncategorized
Some tips and ideas for packing lunches and snacks for your kids at school. My sister in law who is a dietician and my niece give some great tips in this video. Health and wellness goes beyond breaking the negative cycle of a sedentary lifestyle. In addition to...
by admin | Jul 31, 2019 | Exercise Is Medicine, Get Moving, Pain, Prevention
You can get hurt from sitting, sleeping, and other normal activities. Becoming hurt after sitting for too long, sleeping, or sneezing is a real thing. I came across this post on Facebook (credit @WeirdPeopleRock) and thought about the changes in conditions I see as...
by admin | Jun 28, 2019 | Aches, Chiropractic Adjustment, Low Back Pain, Pain
A clinical trial was performed at my alma mater Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) that investigated the presence of pro-inflammatory and nociceptive (pain) proteins called chemokines in adults with low back pain and the changes of these levels in the blood...
by admin | May 28, 2019 | Aches, Head Pain, Lifehacks, Pain, Prevention
Ice therapy (cryotherapy) is mainly known for it’s helpful effects immediately after sustaining a muscle, joint, or tendon injury. We all learn it as one of the basic first aid principles in the RICE protocol (rest, ice, compress, elevate). So how exactly does icing...
by admin | Apr 23, 2019 | Exercise Is Medicine, Get Moving, Lifehacks, Prevention
Did you that the heart is a muscle? It is not the same type of muscle that makes your joints move (known as skeletal muscle), nor the type of muscle that is found in organs like your bladder or your stomach (known as smooth muscle). The heart is made up of three...